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Custom Application Development Services

We’ll help you bring your most complex software vision to life with our turnkey custom application development service. Ensure positive ROI, high level of user engagement, app scalability and maintainability through outsourcing app development to a reliable tech partner

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Value We Deliver

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Feature-rich multitenant web-based ERP application 


Video-streaming middleware for producing engaging live events & on-demand assets


Elastic cloud applications for processing terabytes of genetic data

We Will Help You

Validate your vision

Kick-start application development with Plexteq's product design workshops, to shape concepts and test theories that help transform your ideas into data-led product design. We can also put your vision through its paces with PoC development, so you’ll only pursue ideas that have real business value.

Innovate and compete

Our dedicated R&D team designs strategic solutions to fit even the most complex custom software development projects. We’re industry leaders when it comes to harnessing innovative technologies to develop products for rapidly evolving markets.

Speed up delivery

A nearshore team of software experts can help you meet challenging deadlines more cost-effectively, compared with in-house development. We have decades of experience and a tried-and-tested delivery framework that guarantees consistency and minimises bottlenecks.

Maximise your efficiency

We’ll help you automate your processes so you can release resources to focus on delivering better service. Once we’ve scoped your application development requirements, we’ll take full responsibility for the delivery team and project implementation – allowing you to concentrate on your core business.

Future-proof your applications

We’ll set up a continuous integration/delivery process, so you’ll be able to check and deliver code changes frequently and seamlessly, across multiple platforms. Progress reporting helps you spot kinks in your software ecosystem, so you can make changes that enable you to deliver the best possible service.

Ensure industry standard compliance

Being experts in GDPR, WCAG, GMP, ISO, and other unified & industry-specific standards our product and development teams safeguard regulatory & standards compliance to enter new industries and markets.

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Create a custom application that adds value and boosts profits

What We Do

We deliver a range of custom software products and solutions for cloud, web, mobile and desktop.
With a team of more than 50 software experts, we have you covered – from idea validation to custom app development, testing, governance and support.

Cloud Applications

We provide full-cycle cloud provider-agnostic services with as well as solutions optimized to work in AWS/Azure/Google Cloud with a special focus on reliability, high availability, and information security requirements.


Our development team offers tailored support at every stage of your development process, helping you deliver your end-to-end custom software project on time, on budget, and within scope.

Mobile Application Development

Cross-Platform Development

We use cross-platform development with React Native or Flutter to build mobile applications hitting all commonly used mobile platforms in a short time and with beauty of native controls. Bringing together the benefits of native and hybrid development, cross-platform development introduces additional flexibility that makes it possible to support all your ideas.

Native App Development Services

Plexteq mobile app developers specialize in all major platforms (iOS, Android, iPad, Wearables, and more) ensuring your app utilizes all possibilities each of the mobile OS can offer. Entrust our experts to deliver your app featured with superb UX, future-proof architecture, and uncompromised quality.

Related Cases

iOS app for secure document handling in government institutions in Norway

The app is GDPR compliant and enables working with documents and protocols for committee meetings: download/upload, review, share, schedule meetings.

Enterprise and Web Applications

Enterprise Application Development Services

Our experts create both cloud provider-agnostic solutions as well as solutions optimized to work in AWS/Azure/Google Cloud with special focus on reliability, high availability and information security requirements. The team of qualified cloud specialists can support you in choosing and setting up the best-fit cloud infrastructure, migrate your app to the cloud, optimize cloud infrastructure costs, etc.

Web Application Development

We deliver efficient IoT apps and platforms enabling interconnectivity across diverse industries from smart home and smart city solutions to connected vehicles. Our embedded software engineers and IoT developers can design and seamlessly integrate your IoT mobile and web apps, on-board programs, drivers, solution and firmware platforms in tune with external connectivity and reporting capabilities.

Related Cases

Innovative ERP system

Build application is an innovative multitenant ERP platform for a professional cleaning services company with Desktop-like web UI and advanced backend security features like RBAC, and SAML

Cloud and IoT Application Development

Cloud Application Development

Related Cases

Our experts create both cloud provider-agnostic solutions as well as solutions optimized to work in AWS/Azure/Google Cloud with special focus on reliability, high availability and information security requirements. The team of qualified cloud specialists can support you in choosing and setting up the best-fit cloud infrastructure, migrate your app to the cloud, optimize cloud infrastructure costs, etc.

IoT Application Development

We deliver efficient IoT apps and platforms enabling interconnectivity across diverse industries from smart home and smart city solutions to connected vehicles. Our embedded software engineers and IoT developers can design and seamlessly integrate your IoT mobile and web apps, on-board programs, drivers, solution and firmware platforms in tune with external connectivity and reporting capabilities.

Elastic genetic data processing system

Cloud-native and cloud-agnostic service for executing genome processing jobs. The developed solution allowed to fully automate genome processing pipelines in a HIPAA-compliant environment in a fast and cost-efficient way. 

Supporting You at Any Stage of Application Lifecycle


At the early-stage app development, we work with our customers to validate the idea, select the best-fit technology stack, and define future solution architecture.

At this stage, we support you through:

Market & target audience analysis

Validating app idea through PoC development

Ensuring app architecture is future-proof and fits your IT ecosystem


While bringing your app to life, we pay special attention to the quality and predictability of deliveries, user experience, and app sustainability.

At this stage, we support you through:

Safeguarding app fast launch and minimizing the cost of change

Timely identifying and resolving possible bottlenecks

Validating app quality and acceptance criteria conformity


Once your existing app becomes too costly to maintain or can no longer serve your business ambitions in full, we can support you with modernizing it.

For legacy and outdated apps, we do:

Migration to modern technologies and platforms

Moving to the cloud infrastructure and architecture upgrades

App redesign according to the most recent UI/UX standards

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Technologies We Use





































Our Philosophy in Application Development


  • Well defined service processes with a special focus on planning and delivery control

  • Refined HR processes aimed to safeguard sustainable and uninterrupted service delivery

  • Robust quality control with a range of KPIs to track delivery quality and efficiency


  • Regular and detailed reporting on different management levels (weekly, monthly, etc.)

  • Clear, predictable, and consistent billing accompanied by detailed expenditure reports

  • Extensive use of task & project management systems like Jira, Confluence


  • Focus on delivering business value instead of just performing the tasks assigned

  • Working processes tailored for synergy with customer organization and business ways

  • Constant strive for optimization, better performance, and collaboration efficiency

Let Us Discuss How Our Team Can Contribute To Your Success


Plexteq provides top-quality software development, testing, and support services.

Systems we develop deliver benefit to customers in high-tech, healthcare, telecom, retail, network security, real estate, video conferencing industries.


We have advanced skills and ample resources to create large-scale solutions as well as guide startups and scale-ups from idea to profit.


6 Sepapaja, Tallinn, 15551, Estonia
18 Yunosti ave., Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine

+372 6 10 42 43 
+380 67 395 35 34

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© 2014–2021 Plexteq

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